When was the last time, that little warning light came on in your car? You know, the one that tells you your car is overheated? Or oil is low? Or worse yet, your engine has lost power completely?

It’s only natural to feel your heart skip a beat when that happens because most of us don’t really know enough to fix the problem ourselves.

That’s why today’s Reliabank Business Beat guest is someone you should know. Mark Compson and his crew of car care professionals at T&A Auto Service want to be the ones to put your heart and your car at ease when things go wrong.

Find out why T&A Auto Service has been a trusted auto repair shop in Sioux Falls for more than 40 years. You’ll find them at 3412 S Minnesota Avenue or by calling 605-339-9717 to make an appointment.

When you’re having car problems, it’s important to choose an auto repair shop you can trust.
That’s why T&A Auto Service wants to be your friend in the automotive business.

With ten locations across South Dakota, Reliabank prides itself on being a partner in every community they serve. In Sioux Falls, you’ll find them at 608 West 86th Street.

You can also find the Reliabank nearest you by checking out their website at reliabank.com.