STURGIS, S.D. (KELO) –Each morning the main streets of Sturgis are empty and cleaned up as if it’s the start of the rally.

This is because starting at 2 in the morning, all the local departments are getting everything cleared up.

After the party is over, the real work begins. 

“All the tow trucks come in, they hook a bike up, if an owner comes up before the tow truck gets there, they jump on and they’re on their way home,”  Asst. Chief of Police Brian Paulsen said.

Crews start the overnight cleanup at the police station on Main Street and zig-zag their way through downtown. 

“And they’ve had 83 years to figure it out, and they got it down to a science. They’re pretty slick, I think you can come out here and have a good time. The police aren’t going to bother you, but they’re here to keep things going and keep things together,” Rally Biker Sean Fullers said.

Every night at 2 a.m. bikes get towed if they’re left here overnight, garbage gets picked up, the streets get cleaned up and it all gets reset as if it’s day one of the Rally each morning.

“There’s a lot of people that come out to the rally and they don’t even think about the amount of effort it really takes to keep everything together. Things need to get cleaned up, things need to be taken care of and they have to be an order you know,” Fuller said.

So far, the overnight cleanups have been going smoothly and Sturgis Police say so is the rally itself. 

“A lot of people are spending time inside the bars and visiting the vendors, but they’re really well-behaved this year. We really haven’t had a lot of incidents. We’ll always have a drunk driver or two, we see those but for the most part, they’re really well-behaved,” Paulsen said.

The Sturgis Police Department just wants to remind everyone to have fun, be safe and to be off the streets come two in the morning.