Sturgis, S.D. (KELO) — As day five of the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally rolls on, the Buffalo Chip hosted the Biker Belles today.

The Belles rode in together from Deadwood to the Buffalo Chip this morning before a meet and greet.

What once started as a reason for women riders to get together on Tuesday Nights, has slowly evolved into a yearly celebration of empowerment and giving back.

“We wanna help educate, especially young girls. Give them the equal opportunity to get out there in the world and weld, or ride on two wheels, or whatever it is that they want to do,” Biker Belles Program Director Toni Woodruff said.

“This is my second year having my own bike and riding. I was a little apprehensive doing it but I thought the best place to come and try Sturgis for the first time was with a group of women,” Biker Belle Resa Rutz said.

This event is all for charity as the money they raise with these meet-and-greet events helps women and the youth.

While we’re celebrating Women’s Day here at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip, it is also the Biker Belles’s 15th anniversary as a group.

Being able to go from the passenger to the rider of your own bike is one goal.

“Not waiting for anyone else, if I want to ride my bike, I just go. And it’s just a lot more independence, a lot more control. I think I feel more, I feel a little bit better just because I’m in control,” Rutz said.

The growth of this group has recently seen a rapid increase.

“It really transformed from not riding at all to riding two up, which we welcome into the Biker Belles. Because it’s for all women and men and anyone who supports women motorcycle riders,” Woodruff said.

Today’s event was filled with a meet and greet lunch, a silent auction for charities and several speakers.

The Biker Belles celebrate Women’s Day at the Buffalo Chip and hold a Bike Show each year on the Tuesday of the Rally.