SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO) — A new BBQ restaurant opens in Sioux Falls Tuesday, but this one also combines a love for some unique sports.

What you’ll find inside The Smoked Culture near 49th and Louise in tonight’s Your Money Matters.

“We bought a smoker and started creating food,” The Smoked Culture owner Ryan Gaede said.

Photos of their food quickly started gaining a following on social media.

“So we decided to make an Instagram page just for the stuff we’re creating with the smoker, and the ball just kept rolling from there,” Gaede said.

That led to the opening of their own food truck one year ago; now this week they’ll be opening their very own restaurant inside a familiar location near 49th and Louise Avenue.

“Jess and I met here 17 years ago when it was Nutty’s,” Gaede said. “We came in and it was a lot of elbow grease to get this place to look like it does now. We’re really happy with how it turned out, it’s fun, it’s bright, different than anything else we’ve seen.”

Ryan and Jess Gaede and their business partner Aaron spent a lot of time creating their restaurant out of unique materials.

“Aaron asked if we wanted to do bowling alley lanes for tables, we said that’s a really cool idea. So he got some bowling alley lanes from up in the Minneapolis area,” Gaede said. “It took him so long and so much effort to make them look the way they do now, they’re awesome.”

Along with bowling, the local art and theme of the restaurant are centered around their favorite sport.

“There’s a nod to the skateboard culture in our menu, the names of some of our sandwiches are also skateboard tricks,” Gaede said.

Even the bar is a nod to skateboarding, it’s called the Flatbar, because the footrest is what they’d normally use for skateboarding tricks.

“All of these things combined into one that make this The Smoked Culture,” Gaede said.

A culture that’s fun, relaxed and family-friendly, but also full of flavor.

“We just want everyone to come into here, have a good time and eat some good food,” Gaede said.

The Smoked Culture opens Tuesday, August 8th. It will be open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11 am to 8 pm and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A warning, all of their meats smoke for 18-20 hours and are subject to selling out.